
March 28, 2016 OTRCC Meeting Agenda & Announcements

Come to Membership Meeting March 28, 2016! All Over-The-Rhine residents are invited to attend the regularly scheduled Membership Meeting Monday March 28, 2016 at 6:00 PM HUB/OTR Rec Center, 1715 Republic Street. (Entrance and parking from Race Street.). Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. But for just $2 you can become a member and get to vote. . .

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Preschool Promise OTR Town Hall

Tonight! March 3rd, 2016 Doors open at 6pm. Program from 6:30-7:30pm The Preschool Promise is an independent initiative to ensure that every child has access to two years of high-quality, affordable preschool. Come out to learn more, have your questions answered, and give input! Hosted by: Councilman Chris Seelbach, Craig Schultz, Ryan Messer, James Musaraca-Messer,. . .

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2016 Neighborhood Summit Registration is open!

Open Board Seats!

Bittersweet news. The bitter: we have two members leaving our board. The sweet: there is room for new talent.   Nomination forms are due by March 8th and need to be sent to   Click here: OTRCC Nomination Form

Macy’s Arts Sampler

Artswave has an awesome event that you won't want to miss! There will be lost of art, everywhere. It's free, it's all weekend, and there are several locations right here in our neighborhood.  This doesn't happen often so put it on your calendars!   Below is a link to the PDF schedule. All the details. . .

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Imagination Alley Update!

Back in November of 2015, 3CDC came to present on the future plans of Imagination Alley. Just a few weeks ago, they kindly revisited our Community Council Meeting to show us an update on the plans after they made changes per our requests. Below are the the two images so you can see the progression!. . .

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Kicking off 2016 with a packed meeting!

Today we had roughly 60 attendees at our community meeting! Many eventful presentations, too! Below are some of the visuals to review from tonights meeting. Our very own Secretary, Joan Kaup, worked with Liz Blume and Andrew Stahlke from Xavier University to research our neighborhoods housing and here are the results: OTR Housing Inventory Presentation OTR. . .

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New and Exciting Developments Coming Our Way

Last night at our Board of Trustees meeting, four development groups presented: Over-the-Rhine Community Housing, Cornerstone, Source3 Development, and Streitmann Building Development. Some of those developers have been generous enough to send us plans and information about their process so that we can give input and be some of the first to know.   Source3 Development. . .

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Imagination Alley and Logo Update

Here is the latest update on the design for Imagination Alley. There will still be a connection between Republic and Vine Street, which was a large concern at our October Meeting. Thank you for your patience in getting this to you.   Also, we are very happy to announce our residents have voted and we. . .

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Photo by Travis Estell