Special Membership Meeting of OTRCC
Wed. Oct. 5, 2016 at 6:00 PM
OTR Rec Center, 1715 Republic Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
Wed. Oct. 5, 2016 at 6:00 PM
OTR Rec Center, 1715 Republic Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
At September’s OTRCC membership meeting, members voted to call a Special Meeting to review, discuss and vote on the Elm and Liberty development proposal. The Special Meeting was deemed necessary because there was concern among some members that the project’s Final Plan would be considered by the City Planning Commission before the next regularly scheduled Membership meeting without input from OTRCC.The developers of this project, City Planning Commission staff, and other relevant stakeholders will be invited to update OTRCC members on the status of this project. The agenda is below.
- Call to order and introductions.
- Developers and other invitees may explain the current status of the Final Plan, address issues and concerns raised by OTRCC members and explain City procedures for future review and decisions on the plan.
- Discussion of the Elm and Liberty project. Each person is limited to one 3-minute comment until everyone wishing to comment has spoken.
- OTRCC members vote to approve or disapprove the project. (In accordance with Bylaws Article III-3, new members may vote only after a 1 month waiting period; therefore they must have joined on or before Sept.5 to be eligible to vote at this meeting.)