- Call to Order: 6:00
- Approval of Agenda
MOTION: To approve agenda as submitted
- Trustee Reports: 6:05
- Approval of consent agenda items:
- Minutes from last month’s membership meeting
- Treasurer’s report
MOTION: To approve consent items as submitted
- Ratification of Board of Trustees nomination for Vice-President
MOTION: Ratify Board of Trustees Vice-President choice
- Guest Speakers (5 minutes maximum unless otherwise indicated) 6:15
- Cincinnati Police District 1 – Captain Lisa Davis
- Rothenberg School – Amber Simpson/Barbara Bell
- School for Creative & Performing Arts – Holly Raguso
- Cincinnati Recreation Commission Update – Daniel Betts & Dan Jones, CRC (10)
- New Business
- Race & 15th Street Development – Sara Bedinghaus, 3CDC Senior Development (10)
- 33 Green Street, Susana Tolentino, 3CDC Asset Management Officer
- Hamilton County Housing Court
MOTION: To approve Board’s decision to write a letter in support of new Housing Court
- Reinstatement of Sherriff’s Litter Patrol
MOTION: To approve Board’s decision to write a letter for reinstatement of Litter Patrol
- Old Business
- Brewery District Walking Trail (presented at Sept. meeting)
MOTION: To approve Board recommendation to support
- Liberty Street Options (presented at Sept. meeting)
MOTION: Vote for preferred option
- Announcements
- Adjourn 7:30